Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Drops

Water is the basic building block of all life on our planet. Without healthy water, human bodies begin to break down, not only from contamination but by the attempts to increase the quality of questionable water sources. Thus, the need for a natural water purifier such as chlorine dioxide water purification drops.

For many years, chlorine dioxide has been used in the field by the military, outdoorsmen, campers, and hikers, where water sources may be questionable, and therefore potentially harmful to humans, including but not limited to exploratory missions and recreational adventures.

Why Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide kills all known pathogens on contact.

Chlorine dioxide for water purification comes in two basic formats.

  1. An economical two-part preparation made live on-site
  2. A ready to use single bottle of Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) pre-distilled

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) Water Purification Drops

While Chlorine Dioxide solution, or CDS, is simpler to use for purifying water, it is expensive to make due to the distillation process, though it comes in a consistent 3,000 Parts per Million (3000 PPM) concentration.

On the other hand, the more widely used format requires mixing equal portions of a two-part kit to create chlorine dioxide that can be used as water purifier.

Chlorine Dioxide Two-part Kit Water Purification Drops

This is the most economical method of making chlorine dioxide in the field, on-demand, whenever and wherever it is needed. It consists of two chemicals that when combined create chlorine dioxide.

The two diluted ingredients include,

  1. Sodium chlorite
  2. An acid activator

Sodium chlorite is a salt-based ingredient, and the acid activator could be citric acid, the same type of acid which is found in a lemon.

Travel Pack

Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Drops are also available in convenient sets of two-0unce bottles for international travel abroad via aerospace travel.

How to Make Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Drops

Assuming you have the two-part kit, you will have a bottle labelled Part 1, and another labelled Part 2. Part 1 consists of a 28% sodium chlorite solution and Part 2 a 50% citric acid solution.

Process of Treating One Quart of Water

  1. Start with a dry glass, or non-metallic container
  2. Put three drops of Part 1 and three drops of Part 2 together in glass
  3. Wait 30 seconds and it will change to a yellow color
  4. Add the activated drops to your quart of water
  5. Shake or stir container (plastic or glass) thoroughly
  6. Let stand for 10 minutes (really cold water 20 or more minutes)
  7. Your quart of water is ready to drink or cook with
  8. Keep container tightly capped and out of sun

Process to Treat for Long-term Storage

This is for tap or well water in plastic or glass container

  1. Put four drops of Part 1 (sodium chlorite) only in gallon container
  2. Stir or shake well
  3. Let stand for eight hours before drinking

Disinfecting Food

To disinfect your salads, fruit, meats, etc.

  1. Mix together ten drops of Part 1 and ten drops of Part 2
  2. Wait 30 seconds until it turns light yellow to brownish color
  3. Put that yellow mixture in one gallon of water and shake well
  4. Wait 10 minutes and spray on or wash food (rinsing is not necessary)


It is a violation of federal law to use the product in any way that is inconsistent with its labelling.

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Natural Antibacterial Cleaner Solution (NACS)

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