As a health coach, I get questions from clients about a wide variety of ailments that can be easily remedied by applying chlorine dioxide, MMS, or CDS 3000. My dad, Jim Humble, has said that any disease can be eliminated by taking MMS, and I agree with him. And millions of people who have taken MMS to heal from various maladies can’t all be wrong.

The mainstream medical system makes hundreds of thousands of dollars on medication, interventions, and/or surgeries to treat the symptoms that are being suffered by the average patient. And it’s no wonder that they call these victims “patients” because they must exert a great deal of patience while the doctor treats the symptoms, instead of eliminating the problem.
Doctors are very strictly trained to perform in a specific manner per their extensive training. Most doctors adhere to these strict methodologies and provide a prescribed solution to treat your sickness. No one blames them for doing so as this is the way they are trained, and this model of treatment is very profitable.
It would be extremely difficult for a practicing doctor to conceive that anything contrary to their training could be used to eliminate the disease altogether by killing off pathogens and eliminating toxins. These pathogens and toxins that have accumulated in our bodies over time are what are preventing the body from healing itself, which it is completely able to do if allowed to do so and given the right conditions.
Having an extremely inexpensive method to empower the body to do the work it was designed to do, to self-heal, is the simple secret that boggles the mind of most modern healthcare professionals. Yet, this is the cause of most, if not all, sickness, or potentially life-threatening health conditions.
It is hard to believe that a small amount, even a drop, could eliminate your health problems. The first time you become aware of such an idea it sounds like something more like “snake oil,” witchcraft, or some other potentially dangerous or crazy talk.
According to the Mayo Clinic, “Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites.” That is all that chlorine dioxide, MMS, or CDS 3000 does; to kill and cause the elimination of bad bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites that are keeping human bodies from performing the healthy regeneration that they are designed to perform.
Modern medicine follows a pharmacological method of managing the symptoms of a patient while the pathogens and toxins are enabled to continue to flourish. The pharmacological model of keeping the body in a managed state of less pain while the problem continues to grow is a brilliantly profitable system of health maintenance that makes citizens of the United States even more dependent on the system,
As you know, each pharmacological treatment that lessens the impact of a particular symptom comes at a high price as well as potentially causing new symptoms requiring other prescription medication.
I am not surprised when I see someone moving closer to the end of life clutching a quantity of little brown bottles full of pills. believing that this is the only way to address their health issues/ as they hope to make it another day.
Statistics vary between statements like, “Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe.” And, by one estimate, “taking prescribed medications is the fourth leading cause of death among Americans.”
Death by Medicine
Whether it is the third or fourth cause of death in the United States is irrelevant. The fact is, if you are taking medication as prescribed there is a pretty good chance that you may die by taking pharmaceutical drugs as directed by your doctor.
The exciting news is this; your body, the human body, has a built-in repair and regenerate process that kicks in when the body is attacked by a pathogen or toxin which may compromise ones normally healthy state. This is the magnificence of the design of the human body.
The problem is that the body is so overwhelmed by battling the toxins and pathogens that inhabit our bodies that there is little healing energy left to deal with the disease that is fueled by these toxins and pathogens.
This is why my dad’s solution, MMS, has been so successful in freeing victims of deterioration and disease. Not because it heals anything, but because chlorine does one thing, and it does it better than any other substance known today.
Often cited is the quote from the American Society of Analytical Chemists that stated, “Chlorine Dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man,” over twenty years ago.
Not long after my dad discovered and spent time researching the health benefits of using chlorine dioxide besides just purifying water to make it safe for drinking, he started sharing his findings with others. This prompted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to launch a massive media campaign to discredit my father.
It was just awful what they did. They sent out announcements to all media outlets claiming that my father was telling the sick and elderly to drink bleach while he supposedly swindled them out of their life savings, and also suggested that people were dying by following his advice. I still can’t believe they did that.
This led me to write and publish my book, “Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration,” which was immediately banned from Amazon but can still be found in some independent bookstores.
The word is out, and there have been millions of people who have experienced the power of what this simple water purifier can do when used to purify one’s water regularly and often enough to allow chlorine dioxide to do what it is renowned for, killing all known pathogens, inside the body, just as well as it does outside the body.
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