Chlorine dioxide has a long history of use as a bactericide but since 1996, researcher and explorer Jim Humble has investigated the health benefits of chlorine dioxide and shared his findings publicly. The following is a selection of some of his conclusions.
• Chlorine dioxide has been purifying water for 100 years.
• Chlorine dioxide (MMS) has been taken as a health drink for over 84 years by at least 100,000 individuals in the US.
• Chlorine dioxide is used in more than one thousand public water works to kill bacteria-causing diseases of humanity. So why would anyone refuse to believe that somebody cannot use it to kill the bacteria-causing conditions in people?
• Sodium chlorite, 28%, mixed with a food acid, makes chlorine dioxide (ClO2). It has been sold by several dozen companies to improve health for decades.
• In 2012, the Red Cross tested people in Uganda using MMS – activated sodium chlorite (MMS), where 154 malaria victims were cured – out of 154 test cases, a 100% success rate.
• In 1996, Jim Humble was on a mining expedition in South America when he discovered that a simple water purification solution (sodium chlorite or nicknamed: MMS) eliminated malaria in as little as four hours. Because of that discovery, many 1000s have recovered from infestations of those germs. So why has the mainstream media prevented this miracle germ-killing remedy from becoming known? Could it have anything to do with corporate greed?
• Since Jim Humble discovered this miracle bacteria-eliminating remedy, various other diseases have been overcome worldwide. People in more than 150 countries have improved their health by using chlorine dioxide (MMS, which comes from activated sodium chlorite).
• Although there are more than 100,000 registered patents concerning the industrial use of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) starting in the 1930s, there are also many patents concerning curing incurable diseases. These patents began in the early 1980s and are on record in the US Patent Office, and now you can have a copy of any of these patents for free (that’s proof that it works).
• The EPA, FDA, and other government agencies have written many articles praising chlorine dioxide in factory food preparation and other benefits (demonstrating that it is not poisonous).
Unfortunately, some of this Positive information is disappearing from the Internet because giant corporations control the Internet for which we-the-people pay. So why can’t we have the truth?
• Fake news (the CABAL-owned mainstream media) has been active in denying that ClO2 – chlorine dioxide, also called MMS) helps fight disease and has baffled people by calling it ordinary household bleach. They deny the truth by telling lies about MMS. Common household chlorine bleach is poisonous. Bleach (NaClO) destroys pathogens through chlorination. MMS Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) kills pathogens through the process of oxidation, and there is a vast difference.
• This gift from God: Chlorine dioxide (MMS) brings health, well-being, and longevity. Since chlorine dioxide kills most of the germs causing diseases, it takes care of the causes that kill older people. Using MMS to oxidize heavy metals and drugs and eliminate harmful bacteria in the body means there is a good chance that seniors will have 10 to 20 years of extended life (and better quality of life).
• Since COVID entered the scene, The FDA, EPA, and other government agencies have written articles claiming that chlorine dioxide is highly poisonous, so people will not try it. However, other US Government agencies praise its use in commercial food processing. In addition, the other Gov agencies brag about chlorine dioxide being so safe that they do not have to wash it off after spraying it on raw food they are processing in the factories.
• Once a patient is cured, big pharmacies, hospitals, and MDs lose their customer. That’s why Pharmaceutical drugs almost solely treat symptoms of diseases and not the root cause of the conditions. Therefore, MDs are only treating a person to suppress the symptoms of an illness, and that’s their way of keeping people sick and dependent on dangerous medical prescriptions.
DIY: How to Make Your Own MMS
Anyone can make ClO2 MMS, or you can now purchase enough MMS to eradicate any disease for less than $50. Look on the Internet. It is available. For a how-to on making your own MMS, go here:

• MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) kills viruses as well as pathogens of other diseases. But unfortunately, the medical profession has nothing that affects viruses. Thus all they can do if you have a viral illness is make you as comfortable as possible and give anti-bacterial drugs that may or may not help.
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