I am so happy to find Natural Antibacterial Cleaner Solution (NACS) available for sale as water purification drops. As you may or may not know, NACS water purification drops are the best water purifier in the world because they are using the power of chlorine dioxide.
I like the two-part system, where you get perfectly diluted concentrations of the two separate chemicals, sodium chlorite and an activating acid. In this case, citric acid is used, the same type of acid found in lemons. They will keep indefinitely while separated into two bottles, like this. And when they are combined in equal amounts and allowed to activate for 30 seconds? The result is the most powerful water purification solution ever discovered.
Municipal Water Treatment
This chemical, chlorine dioxide, is used by most municipal water companies in the treatment and distribution of water to their communities, because unlike other water treatment chemicals, chlorine dioxide kills even the hardest to kill pathogens and viruses.
Food & Beverage Processing
This same chemical is used every day in the factories and food processing facilities to keep what you eat and what you drink free from toxins and contaminants and safe for human consumption.
Health & Hospitality
It is also used worldwide as a powerful industrial sanitizing agent in medical, dental, hospitals, hospitality, commercial kitchens, and restaurants.

Jim Humble
You may or may not know that chlorine dioxide may be useful for many other things, including those things that ail the human body. In 1996, my dad, Jim Humble, “accidentally” discovered that there might be other benefits to using chlorine dioxide, when he witnessed first-hand the remission of malaria which was killing workers in the field, and all he had was chlorine dioxide to purify surface water to keep them hydrated while they died. Four hours later, the workers recovered, ate a meal, took a nap, and returned to work.
My dad was very curious about this incident and when he returned home, he began researching the chemical to see if it might have any other potential health benefits. A few weeks later, he was contacted by the Red Cross about his malaria experience and invited to come to Africa to see if he could help them in the midst of a malaria pandemic. Of course, he answered the call and went to help.

Just as had happened with his workers, everyone that he served the water purified by the chlorine dioxide water purification drops recovered. Every one. He was so excited when he came home to continue his research. He offered to help anyone he could who was suffering from a terminal disease, with the same results. These people would contact him and scream in tearful gratitude “I’m cured!” and “You cured me!”
“It’s a Miracle!”
“No doctor, no one else could help me. Now I am cured!” of their “incurable” diseases. There are many diseases that there are no cures for, and the only hope that modern medicine can offer is to make the disease inflicted as comfortable as possible, as their finances and life force are depleted over time.
You must understand, from our point of view, every person, regardless of their condition regained their pre-disease healthy status after taking chlorine dioxide purified water on a regular basis. That’s why my dad nicknamed chlorine dioxide Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS for short, as he set out to tell the world about his miraculous findings.
My dad can be pretty enthusiastic when he gets excited and he was very excited about his findings, we all were.
FDA Defamation
We were shocked when the FDA declared war on my dad as they tried to humiliate him and attack his character in the news media.
They launched smear campaigns against him, calling him a scam artist, a con man, a snake oil salesman, you name it. They even accused him of ripping off elderly and dying people, charging them money to make them drink bleach. When he was actually helping them and saving their lives, giving them a new lease on life, not charging them for his advice, and only suggesting that they try drinking some chlorine dioxide purified water.
I can tell you, after what I have seen, my heart and faith in our government and the media had been broken. I used to think that the world was a beautiful place full of love and the promise of a bright future, now I see the darkness and corruption, and it makes me sad, but it hasn’t completely broken my spirit.
Human Body Magnificence
I still believe in the human body, its perfect design, and the way that God has built into it the most amazing healing and regenerative properties.
Due to my father’s work, I became a health coach, and continue to see the lives of people changed, though in my practice I do not focus solely on chlorine dioxide, like my dad continues to do.

Since I have expanded the vision of my health coaching practice, I have discovered so many ways to feed the body in ways that might be counterintuitive but yield amazing healing benefits, to even include movement and dance therapy.
Still, I feel the best place to start is to provide a clean canvas on which to create one’s new life.

Kill the Bad Bugs
Getting rid of all the bad bugs that are blocking your body’s ability to do its best work in terms of rebuild and regeneration is cleansing the canvas for us to create your new work of healthy art. We have all been filling our bodies with every conceivable harmful bacterium, microscopic critter, and toxins from living the All-American life. We fill our bodies with destructive organisms with every,
- bite of food we take.
- drink we swallow.
- mile we travel in a car.
- moment that we spend at the market.
- even most every breath we take.
All these toxins, including synthetic pharmaceutical drugs that the body does not recognize, even though they may offer some symptomatical relief in the short-term, build up in our bodies and have set up housekeeping inside you. These pathogens have specific intentions and marching orders to carry out; to
- insulate your body from its instinctual self-healing abilities,
- break you down,
- keep you in a constant state of deterioration,
thereby presenting you with confusion, sickness, and disease, leading to premature death.
This constant state of deterioration is a dream come true for the pharmaceutical and medical industries because the sicker we are, the more profitable it is to keep us in a state of comfort as we deteriorate due to all of this toxicity.
Toxins in What We Eat
So, any additional toxicity they can tempt us with, the better. Just look at the ingredients list on the side of the food carton that you just purchased.
And those companies use FDA approved addictive additives, slick, mouthwatering pictures, pretty packaging, persuasive promotions, and advertising to make us want those additional toxins even more. This is all cumulative and builds up in the body over time.
That brings me back to cleansing the canvas again. Just by cleaning the human body of all that healthy life disruption can put you back on the path to a happy and healthy long life, and that is the only thing that chlorine dioxide water purification drops does; kill the bad stuff, allowing the body to naturally heal itself.
It will always be a part of what I suggest for my health coaching clients. You can try all the alternative herbal healthy products in the world, and they may give you some relief, but they cannot achieve their best potential in your body if it is polluted.
You can learn more about the other uses of chlorine dioxide water purification drops in my new book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration. In it you will discover how I use chlorine dioxide for all kinds of health advantages and get a better understanding of how it might be used for more than just water purification. If just might help you purify your body as well.
Think about it,
-Paris Humble
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